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FVU 4.7 and FVU 2.143 released by NSDL

The Income Tax Department has released the following new File Validation Utilities:
 FVU version 4.7 – For statement pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards.
 FVU version 2.143 – For statements pertaining to FY 2007-08 to FY 2009-10.
Click here to view the key features of FVU version 4.7
Click here to view the key features of FVU version 2.143

Key Features of File Validation Utility (FVU) version 2.143
§  Remark “T” (i.e. for transporter transaction and valid PAN is provided) under deductee details (Annexure I) will be applicable from Q3 of FY 2009-10 onwards. (Said validation will be applicable only for Form 26Q).
§  Total Tax deducted amount should be equal to Total Tax Deposited under Deductee details (i.e. Annexure I).
§  This version of FVU will be applicable with effect from June 20, 2015.

Key Features of File Validation Utility (FVU) version 4.7
 Incorporation section code 192A and 194LBB:
“192A” & “194LBB” have been added for below forms which will be applicable for statements pertain to FY 2015-16 & Q1 onwards.
§  Section code 192A will be applicable for Form 26Q.
§  Section code 194LBB will be applicable only for Form 26Q and 27Q.
§  For section code “192A”, select “92D” from the dropdown of section code column in Annexure I sheet.
§  For section code “194LBB”, select “LBB” from the dropdown of section code column in Annexure I sheet.
• Total Tax deducted amount should be equal to Total Tax Deposited under Deductee details (i.e. Annexure I).
• Quoting of lower/non deduction certificate number under Deductee details (Annexure I) will be applicable only for below mentioned Section codes:-
192, 193, 194, 194A, 194C, 194D, 194G, 194H, 194-I, 194J, 194LA, 195 and 206C for the statements pertaining to FY 2013-14 onwards.
• Validations with respect to remark C under deductee details (Annexure I) has been relaxed for section 194LC for the statements pertains to FY 2012-13 onwards (said validation will be applicable only for Form 27Q).
• This version of FVU will be applicable with effect from June 20, 2015.

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