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How to Enter Import Purchase in Tally with Foreign Currency?

In our previous post we discuss about How to use multi currency in Tally? In this post we know about how to Enter a Import purchase voucher with foreign currency and getting result in INR.
How to Enter Import Purchase in Tally with Foreign Currency?

Remember, Conversion of Multi currency to INR only showing in Accounts with Inventory. 

For Example: 
Import Creditor Purchase of 2500 Nos. Goods @ $200 Per number then amount will be $5,00,000, Rate of Exchange of Foreign Currency $ is Rs. 64 in INR, Then total amount will be (2500*200 = 500000, and 500000*64 = 32000000)

Go to Gateway of Tally - Accounting Voucher - Purchase (F9) Enter Invoice No. Invoice Date, Supplier Name, Purchase Ledger and Stock Item. When you select stock item System will ask you to Enter Stock Allocation details. 

How to Enter Import Purchase in Tally with Foreign Currency?

In above image you can see our Example is fulfill. Press Enter or Ctrl+A to Save the voucher. Now go to ledger account of Creditor and you can see the entry will be passed in INR not in USD. You can also charge IGST in your voucher entry if import is taxable.

How to Enter Import Purchase in Tally with Foreign Currency?

Now look at the purchase ledger as below image:

How to Enter Import Purchase in Tally with Foreign Currency?

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