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How to Use Multi Language in TallyERP.9?

Do you know tally have some pre-install language as per list below:
  1. Arabic
  2. Indonesia Bahasa
  3. Bahasa Melayu
  4. Punjabi
  5. Bengali
  6. Gujarati
  7. Hindi
  8. Hinglish
  9. Kannada
  10. Malayalam
  11. Marathi
  12. Tamil
  13. Telugu
All languages will not automatically support in current release. To activate multi language in TallyERP.9 release 6.1.1 press Alt + G and option for multiple language will show as below:

In above image you can see only English in the list. To enable more languages you have to download all the language to Click Here. You will be redirect to languages page:

You need to download all the language or selected language which you want to apply in Tally.

Download required language and Copy the file and paste to Tally Installation - Lang Folder. 

"Note: If Lang Folder not found in your tally installation folder then create a new folder and paste downloaded language file in it. Now open Tally.ini file and change the default language path to Language folder path".
After made applicable changes Open Tally and Press Alt + G, you see there is now two language appear in language list. If you want to install more language you need to follow the same method. 

For more information please see below video:

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