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How to use Multiple Mailing Address for Ledgers in Tally?

How to Use Multiple Mailing Address in Tally?

Dear Friends, Today we discuss how can we manage multiple mailing address and GSTIN in a single ledger? For Example, Party A having registered office in Maharashtra & you create a ledger of Party A on Maharashtra GSTIN and Address:

In the above image, you can see there is no option for Multiple mailing details, neither you have details to enter another address, GSTIN, PN No. or email address. 

So how can we enter the rest details for Party A, Now on Ledger Creation screen Press F12 and select the option as mentioned in below image:

Select yes to Provide Contact Details and Provide Multiple Addresses and save the details.

Now create another ledger and you can see there is an option available.

Select yes and press Enter. You can see details to be filled on next screen for branch/other office.

Press Enter and you can see for additional information asking the system now.

Enter complete details on the screen and save the details. 

Now go to Sales voucher and press F12 and select Enable Supplimentary Details to Yes.

Now pass sales/purchase entry and after select party A ledger following popup appears on your screen. 

Select the address from right side panel, address on which you want to issue an invoice or enter invoice receive from party. Details of address and GSTIN will auto-populate in address and GST field. 

Now enter the details and save the voucher. 

If you want to see the impact of the multiple mailing details then you need to go to GST compliance or in ledger press Ctrl C, pressing Ctrl C will show you all address in ledger account. 

If you want to scrutiny your ledger through location then you need to do advance Search, for advance search press Alt + F12 and following window will appear on your screen. 

Enter details in advance search for address which you want to reconcile and press enter. All the entries related to specified state will be appear on your screen. 

Hope this post resolve your issue to maintain multiple party address and GSTIN in Tally. Thanks for reading. 

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